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Solid Foundation Piano Studio

​Located in Covington, WA


Solid Foundation Piano Studio (SFPS) is a private piano studio serving Southeast King County in Washington State.  
The studio is based out of Covington, but also serves the communities of Black Diamond, Maple Valley, Auburn, and Kent.  
The mission of SFPS is to give students a love for music and a solid foundation in reading music, understanding theory, improvisation, and playing with technique & artistry.  SFPS is excited to assist you in achieving those goals and helping you become a competent piano player! 


Please feel free to check out information about the instructor and lessons offered.  If you have any questions, please fill out the Contact Form and the instructor will be happy to answer your questions.   


If you are an existing student, please use the login to see the calendar, make payments, view upcoming events, and access other studio resources.